Here I am early in the morning now struggling for final exam...Diri ini dh xlarat utk menghadapi semua just finished my FYP n now i need to face the final exam.i missed my family alot actually. like previous semester i went back home before final exam to see my parents to get their blessing juga utk melepaskan rindu dihati.but for this semester i cant do that. even when my dad sick dun go back.abah im sorry bkn kak xnk blk tgk abah tp kak xsempat..i really hope he will understand me.sakit abah menyerang kembali tp abah xpenah bgtau kt anak2..abah xnk anak2 abah risau.abah i always pray for u..abah is a very hardworking person.demi anak2 segala2 sanggup abah lakukan.abah xpernah mengeluh penat.semua prmintaan anak2 walau besar abah akan usahakan demi anak tersayang..walau abah xpernah tunjuk kasih sayang abah but i can feel that deep in my heart...setiap kali umi marahkan kami adik beradik kerana byk berbelanja abah pasti akan menyebelahi abah apalah sangat duit klu ia dguna utk benda2 yg idak membazir..looking at some of my fren going back to see their parents n to release tension. i feel sad coz i cant go back..honestly sometime i feel like crying..i really2 missed them..apatah lg semua adik2 ada kt umah skrg ni..both my sis n bro siti n hakimi were home finishing their holiday..i missed the time when we were small...everybody were at home playing around with each when everybody grow up masing2 mnuju hala masing2.thats y i really want to go home..chit chat with my sis n bro about their studying life..i also miss my youngest bro ikmal..he in standard 1 now.he's very cute.setiap kali blk rumah. ikmal xpenah duk jauh drku..asyik bertanya itu ini ngan kakak dia.ask me for his homework.ask me to play with him..i miss him a lot.but what can i people say in order o get something we need to sacrifies something. whatever life must go on.cant wait to finish all the exam n go back, dad please wait for me for a while..your daughter will be back soon..i miss u a lot mom.i miss u a lot dad.i love both of u so much....
showcase day
Alhamdulillah now everything is i had my showcase where i need to present what me n my partner already done in other word we need to sell our that we get was very many interesting comment from others.even dean of KICT offered us to be assistant lecturer and some of the lecturer suggest us to be a lecturer and further the research since they saw that our project has potential to commercialize to others.overall our fyp was done successfully as my supervisor said all of u deserved to get an A for fyp.yea..we deserved to get an A..we had give all effort and everything for all my colleagues congratulations for we need to write our final paper due 31st March.this coming saturday we all fyp sisters will have our trip to bukit fraser maybe..we still searching for a good place to go.just want to relax our mind and release tension before struggling again for our final exam.also just want to hang out before some of us graduate.hope this holiday will be one of the best memory as student life.....last but not least congratulation again to all for your fyp and gudluck for final exam.....that is the picture of our smart home...someday i want to implement this in my home..hehe..project sndiri la katakan......:)
FYP showcase
Ni tgh bertungkus lumus siapkan apa yg ptt utk show case FYP esok.alhadulillah everything goes ok eventhought im facing so many problem regarding the project.hopefully everything ok tomorrow.for all my colleagues gud lck for tomorrow.for my partner wan do our best.prove to all that we can do it....insyaAllah...ok gtg...
At last...
Alhamdulillah at last me and my team members finished our project for subject Software Quality Assurance (SQA).even it was done last minute but cooperation from team members membuahkan hasil.we need to present the project in class and Prof J comment about the project we done.the thing i want to highlight is what prof stress in ask us something but from our answer he said that he still dont hear what he want to hear.after seeing we quiet he give clue.he said i want to hear what u gain from the project.some of us give comments and prof really agreed with the opinion.some of the opinions:
- we learn how to manage time and everything since we kept delaying time to finish the project.
- we admit we lack of programming we need to improve that.
- always communicate with the clients.dun leave them behind.
Ingatan bersama-sama...
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Ingatan dan doa buat teman2 yg sedang asyik memadu kasih...semoga kita tak
terlupa PENCINTA kita yg benar2 sejati...
"Saya suka sangat tengok jari-jemari teman wanita saya, cantik
betul. Sungguh! Sampai saya takut nak pegang. Bukan takut jari-
jemarinya patah, tapi takut nanti jari-jemari kami tak boleh saling
bantu-membantu di satu hari yang amat dahsyat di hadapan Yang Maha
Saya suka sangat tengok rambutnya. Cantik betullah, sungguh! Sebab
itu saya belikan dia tudung. Bukan sebab cemburu orang lain tengok,
bukan! Tapi sebab saya mahu rambutnya sentiasa ditutup macam dalam
iklan dot dot dot itu sampai bila-bila! Takut nanti dibakar dek api
neraka, di suatu hari yang amat dahsyat di hadapan Yang Maha
Saya suka sangat tengok body teman wanita saya, solid betul.
Sungguh! Sebab itu saya belikan dia telekung supaya masa dating
dengan Kekasih dia Yang Utama, dia jaaaaaauh lebih cantik dan
berseri menghadap-Nya. Saya pun tumpang dapat pahala! Syoknya!
Saya sedih sangat bila tengok teman wanita saya tidak tidur, tidak
makan sebab rindukan saya. Saya pun macam tu juga. Si dia tanya, Apa
ubatnya, bang? Saya pun bagi dia al-Quran sebagai penenang jiwa!
Semoga dia cintakan-Nya lebih daripada saya
Saya sedih tengok dia selalu pesan macam-macam. Makan, minum, jaga
diri, pandu kereta elok-elok! Nanti awak saya juga yang susah hati,
bla lah bla bla. Tapi bila tengok wayang sama-sama, terlepas Asar
dan Maghrib bagitu saja, dia tidak kata satu apa pun. Aduuuuh!
berdosanya saya!
Saya memang sayang sangat pada dia. Saya mahu jumpa dia, bersama
dia, cinta secinta-cintanya. Cinta yang abadi di dunia dan berkasih
sayang di akhirat, berdating di syurga kerana di situlah tempat yang
kekal selama-lamanya.
Doakan kami saling ingat-mengingati, insaf-menginsafi. Ya Allah,
ampunkanlah kami semoga kami dapat kekal selama-lamanya, di syurga
nanti. Amin!!
Again and again.....
here i am at the fyp lab again..trying finish up my projects. harini rs tk bermaya sgt2 but then i still to push myself come to the lab since my pc is here. i cant do anything in my room. the room is just only a place for me to sleep and rest.bilik tu tk ubah cm hotel. blk utk tukar bj, solat n tido je.tu pn sometime i pray at musolla when dun have enough time to go back for pray...i missed my rum so it's already 10.45pm...i wanna go back.i'm really tired..akhirnya dpt gak blk blek..nasib baik dh solat isyak..blh tido trs..bestnyer....awalnya my fren still nk stay lg..hurm..xpelah..mengalah mgkn dia tgk aku dh penat sgt dia pn mengalah..hehehehe....
At 2.31am I still in FYP lab doing so much works with some of my friends.there are 6 of us in this lab struggling finish up our project as well as other projects.just now we took some snaps as all of us are not in the mood of doing for me, I dun have enough mood to work on my I can involved in this blogging.once I told to myself blog expect wasting time spend time writing something to update blog.but myself create blog...huhu..why?maybe because looking at some of my friend have their own blog maybe.actually b4 dis once came into my mind to create blog but I think the time still not comes....
deep inside I feel sad n tension.sad becoz last week my lovely grandma passed away on Wednesday but I cant go back for her funeral as well see her for the last time. 2 days I did nothing just quite all da time and crying especially at night.I really feel like wanna go back and see my mom.i want be with her and calm I'm still feel that feeling but I know whatever happen life must go on.tension for lots of work to do smpikan xmenang tangan dun know which one to do first.I really missed my mom and my youngest bro but I dun have time to go back and see them due to my commitment even during the holiday for Chinese Newyear I still here. xtau dh nk kata apa perasaan dlm hati..hanya Allah yang tau..inilah dugaan Allah terhadap hambaNya...whatever strong yus...always remember Allah as what your best friend said "Allah sayangkan yus sebab tu Dia uji yus. Dia nk tau sejauh mana yus tahan dgn dugaan Dia". dun worry fren with ur full support insyaAllah I'll be ok....Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku bantulah hambaMu ini Ya Allah.tabahkan hatiku Ya Allah...